Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Get Ready for More Fiber!!

We are getting ready for the Sheep Shearing Day at Shepherd's Choice Farm on May 31. Kathy has asked us to participate again this year, and the day is sure to be a hit. In addition to the shearing, she plans lots of activities for all ages. There are animals, music, storytelling, vendors and food. What more could a person want?? I'm not sure exactly what is on the the playbill, so checkout the details at shepherdschoice.com, then click on "Sheep Shearing Festival."

Nancy and I have been busy doing some hand dyeing projects, and have managed to dye more than just our hands! Check out the pics of fabric and yarn:

We have more tricks up our sleeves, so check back to see how it goes....

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Pictures from Camp

Here's a couple of pictures from show and tell.

This is a beautif moebius scarf knitted by Lita. The colors and pattern were fabulous.

Amy made these great mittens by splicing tiny scraps of yarn together. These scraps were saved from the ties that hold hanks of yarn together. Wow. Waste not, want not.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Want more fiber in your knitting diet?

Hi All,
We went to the Shepherd's Harvest in Lake Elmo, MN today. Luckily we went early, as it is now 3pm and raining. I'm sure this won't hamper the shopping or the animal petting, as these folks are persistent!

We found the roving deal of the morning 3 minutes after arriving, Nancy bought 3 batts (she just informed me that they are NOT wads) and some yarn remnants. She carried them tirelessly through all three buildings. When we arrived home we spent some time de-tangling and she wound things onto balls. They are very cute!

We ran into several people from knitting camp, and several that missed the last camp. We hope to see everyone again soon!

It's not too late to go to see what's up, as the Harvest is still running tomorrow -- Mother's Day!

Monday, May 5, 2008

Successful Fiber Camp

Spring Fiber Camp is in the books. A great time was had by all. The group was smallish - only 10 of us there, but Lynne and I were happy that the first camp we hosted went so well. We had two newbie campers - Molly and Angee - and I do believe we may see them again.

Everyone enjoyed staying at the McLeod Leadership Hall at Camp Miller. We were worried about the communal sleeping areas, but they really seemed to work out well. We snorers were in one room - and those quiet sleepers in another.

We would like to thank the following yarn stores that provided goodies and door prizes:

  • Shepherd's Choice - Thanks Cathy. Find her at http://www.shepherdschoice.com/. Cathy is hosting a Sheep Shearing at her store on Saturday, May 31. Check her website for details.

  • Yarn Cafe - http://www.yarn-cafe.com/ - Amy brought a whole carload of yarn from the store. I don't think any of us left camp without a purchase. Thanks.

  • Yarn Harbor - http://www.yarnharbor.com/ - Thank you for your donation.

  • Bella Lana Minneapolis - http://www.bellalanaminneapolis.com/ - a relatively new yarn store in the St. Anthony Main area of Minneapolis. Gorgeous store - thanks for the door prize.

  • Mother of all Fiber Crafts and Crooked Arbor Books - Hinckley, MN - Thank you for the coupons. She will be hosting a Fall Fest on October 4 & 5, 2008, and is looking for vendors. Contact Stacey at 651-253-5554 or msfoster@ecenet.com.
  • 3 Kittens Needle Arts - http://www.threekittensyarnshoppe.com/ - Thank you for your gift certificate donation.

  • We had a great time Friday night dyeing yarn and roving with Kool-Aid, Wilton icing colors, and food coloring.

    I had knit up a "blank" from some fingering weight yarn I had, hand painted it, fixed and dried it. I plan on raveling it and re-knitting it into a small shawl.

    The rain turned to snow, but that didn't dampen our spirits at all. Saturday morning we rinsed our fiber and hung it to dry. After an all to short day of knitting, we concluded with show-and-tell and door prizes.

    The Fall Fiber Camp has been scheduled for Thursday, October 23 thru Sunday, October 26, 2008. Camp will be held at YMCA Camp Miller.

    Check back to see pictures of show-and-tell.